Whistle Blower

Whistle Blower

If you have experienced any improper activity such as unethical practices, gross misconduct, incompetence or inefficiency, please report by filling the form below.

Your confidentiality wishes shall be fully respected, All information provided shall be treated with due diligence. You can also blow the whistle by sending an e-mail to ">

I am a:

Does the incident involve a:

Name of Learner/Parent/Person Involved:

Location of Incident:

I want to be contacted

My Name is:

My Email is:

Have you reported that matter to any member of staff or Senior Mgt Team.

Have you reported that matter to any member of staff or Senior Mgt Team. If yes:

When was the matter first reported?

Was there any response?

When was the last time you followed up, if none

Details of incident (Do ensure you provide as much details as possible, in order to ensure the matter can be fully investigated)